Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 57: Newcastle Werewolf

Name: Newcastle Werewolf
Brewer:  The Caledonian Brewery Co. LTD (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Brewed in Newcastle, England
Classification: English Brown Ale
Alcohol: 5%

Thoughts: If you look up on the bar below the blog title there is a page button that says Beer Me. It is meant for people/breweries that want to send me samples to try for the blog. Honestly, I never thought it would work, but low and behold someone clicked it and decided they wanted to send some new brews they were releasing. It was some company from across the pond called ... Oh what was it again? ... Oh, Yeah! NEWCASTLE!!! Yeah the same ones that make one of the most legendary beers in the world! You can check out the pictures of the package they sent me on the Beer Me page. They had some new seasonal beers that they brewed after the success of their Newcastle Summer Ale.  The first one I will be trying is their Autumn seasonal, Werewolf. It pours a dark coppery-red with a dirty white head. The aroma is understated but a nice fit for fall. There are floral notes, hints of rye and the basic malty smell you you get from an English Brown Ale. The feel of this beer was simply great! It was rich, creamy and I could feel the sediment on my tongue as I sipped it. The taste of Werewolf was like Inception. The top layer was alcohol, chocolate and rye. The taste within a taste was slightly bitter with notes of bready, smokey malts. And the taste within a taste within a taste had faint hints of sweet berries. It is a truly complex and challenging beer. It could have a more definitive taste, but that may be why this brew intrigued me. It could be a Brown Ale, it could be a heavy Red Ale, or it could be light Porter. You should check it out and let me know what it is to you. The name Werewolf is a big name to fulfill in my mind. To me it means this beer will put hair on your knuckles (as well as everywhere else) and give you a blood thirst that can only be satisfied by devouring wenches from the 1500s. This beer falls inches short of that vision, but it is a quality Autumn beer. 

Rating: 84/100

1 comment:

  1. A bad-ass, complex, seasonal beer from Newcastle? I need to try this. Especially if it's on tap somewhere...
