Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 215: Maharajah

Name: Maharajah
Brewer: Avery Brewing Company (Boulder, CO)
Classification: Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 10.3%

Thoughts: If you have an iPhone and you are a beer lover there a bevy of great beer apps to choose from. Well the one I have is Beer Gene and I rather like it. It has a recommendation section and one beer that has been on that page for the year I've had the phone is Avery's Maharaja. It had tons of great reviews and is part of their Dictator's Series which has an all-around great review. This Imperial IPA pours an impressive amber color with a tight, white head. The aroma is an intense collection of sweetness, tang, floral hops and a glass full of genius. As you can read above this beer is at 10.3% ABV and I expected that to be mixed up in the smell, but it wasn't. However, the taste has plenty of alcohol. It also has lots of earthy, sweet malts and piney, dry hops. Additionally the palate gets a splash of warmth from the alcohol and a bite from the bitterness. Herbs, mint and caramel are slightly noticeable in the flavor as well. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to realize that this is a complex beer that offers a lot to the drinker. Not only is it sophisticted but it is undeniably enjoyably and lovable. This is easily in my Top 10 and it may end up there when I finish this quest in July. This is also a great session beer and I was able to enjoy it over a good long while. Recommendations all around from the novice to the experienced!

Rating: 93/100

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