Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 267: Kronenbourg 1664

Name: Kronenbourg 1664
Brewer: Brasserie Kronenbourg (Stratsbourg, France) 
Classification: Euro Pale Lager
Alcohol: 5.9%

Thoughts: I will be honest and say that I had this beer yesterday and that I am using it for today, but it is only because I will be traveling all day. I will be having a beer today, most likely one of my Power Out Pale Ales. Anyways, Kronenbourg gets around and I am sure many people have seen it in bottles. However, outside France I have never seen it on draft. I loved it when I was in France and I hoped I would do the same here in the States. It pours a standard pale gold color with a bubbly, white head that tickled your nose as you sniffed the beer. The smells were made up of freshly baked bread and faint grassy hops. It was a bit more relaxed than I remembered. The taste was a little flatter than I remember. Not that it wasn't as good, just not as carbonated. Grains and pale malts made up the bulk of the flavor, but once again the hops sprung to life to give the beer just enough to make it enjoyable. As always this beer is better where it came from. So much so that I had to ask myself if it is the nostalgia that makes this beer better. Maybe so. 

Rating: 80/100

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