Name: Centennial IPA
Brewer: Founders Brewing Company (Grand Rapids, MI)
Classification: India Pale Ale
Alcohol: 7.2%
Thoughts: Went to the Ol' Stomping Grounds again tonight (Tyler's Taproom) for a nice Tuesday night date with the Ol' Ball and Chain. It has finally cooled off around here and it was the first night in a while that you could sit outside and not sweat. With that in mind I wanted to try any special summer beers they had on tap, since the summer is coming to an end and all. However, they didn't really have any so I moved on to the next best thing, an IPA. I choose Founders Centennial and it pours a rich auburn color that is darker than most IPAs. The smell is immediate and compact like a punch to the nose from a midget. It has grapefruit, lemon and a hint of what smells like spiced rum. The taste is broad and strong like a punch to the palate from Hulk Hogan. It has tropical, lingering tartness with a bit of sour and piney notes. It certainly quenched my need for a summer beer on such a gorgeous evening. I like to use the term "drinking experience" in my posts and it rings true of what beer drinking is to me. Beer is an occasion, an event. It is an attitude adjuster and a mind-bender. This beer was not the perfect beer or even going to break the Top 10. But what it did do was make my night very enjoyable.
Rating: 85/100