Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 92: PumpkinHead Ale

Name: PumpkinHead Ale
Brewer: Shipyard Brewing Co. (Portland, ME)
Classification: Pumpkin Ale
Alcohol: 5.1%

Thoughts: I am claiming my official dislike for Shipyard Brewing Co. and I promise to withhold the use of their beers from stomach for the remainder of this year. This is the second beer I have had from them and both of them have been unfortunate cases of bad beer entering the vicinity of my gullet. This is their Pumpkin Ale offering and while it tastes like pumpkin and has an aroma of pumpkin, it doesn't at all taste like a beer. More like a cider or even a "Pumpkin Soda". But what really grinds my gears is there is absolutely no Autumn in this beer. It is a summer beer in so many aspects. If you did a blind taste-test of this beer you would probably like it, but I didn't. It lost a lot of points during the scoring because it has no purpose. If it is a fall beer it should be robust and have the ability to warm your balls on crisp fall night. My balls are still cold!

Rating: 71/100

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