Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 77: Chatoe Rogue Single Malt Ale

Name: Chatoe Rogue Single Malt Ale
Brewer: Rogue Ales (Newport, OR)
Classification: American Blonde Ale
Alcohol: ?

Thoughts: Rogue is just an amazing brewery. They really are. They go above and beyond in every way to brew the best beers they can. Some ideas work out and others fail, but if you don't fail trying to brew the best beers possible than you can't truly appreciate the beers you get right. Well the idea of "Grow Your Own" is another insane idea that has provided great results for Rogue. They are brewing beers with Malts and Hops that they grow on their own. They breed the plants and grow them themselves. What?!?! That is really rare. Usually you get your hops and malts from independently owned farms. Well with this Single Malt ale, meaning it was brewed with only one malt (kind of obvious), they brewed an American Blonde Ale. They produced this densely golden yellow brew with a loud white head. The jumpy aroma hits on strong notes of pine and citrus. The unique taste had bits of spice, citrus and yeast, but was glued together by the ever-present malty flavor. This was a very original beer, and more importantly exciting. It could have been a little more focused, but for something with one malt, one hop, some yeast and some water, I don't know how it could be. Keep 'em coming Rogue!

Rating: 85/100

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