Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 82: Ommegang Hennepin

Name: Ommegang Hennepin
Brewery: Brewery Ommegang  (Cooperstown, NY)
Classification: Saison
Alcohol: 7.7%

Thoughts: Brewery Ommegang is an American brewery that specializes in Belgium-style beers. So obviously they are going to have their Dubbel, Tripel, Quads, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Strong Ale, and Sasions among the many other styles of beer Belgium is known for. This offering is their Saison, Hennepin. The picture (with the sweet Thumbs-Up) doesn't do it justice, but the color on this beer is a vibrant golden-orange with a thin ghost-white head. The smell was peppery, oily, underwhlemingly citrusy and overwhelmingly earthy for a Saison. It reminded me of spicy salami with pepper jelly. The taste was heavier on the citrus with hints of orange and lemon peel combined with notes of phenol and clove. The spice was good, but Saisons should be spicy and a bit out there in order to be truly good. This was a good Ommegang experience, but I hope for more in my next adventure with them. 

Rating: 84/100


  1. saison dupont, have you had? (clearly spoken in my yoda voice)

  2. Yeah, I tried it out earlier. You can check it out here:
