Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 81: Sweetwater 420

Name: Sweetwater 420
Brewer: Sweetwater Brewing Company (Atlanta, GA)
Classification: American Pale Ale
Alcohol: 5.4%

Thoughts: Sweetwater is an example of what happens when a craft brewer makes it big. In order to keep up with their demand they have to compromise their recipe to make it feasible to stay financially afloat in that big of a beer market. Their once great and amazing Extra Pale Ale is no longer great. It is clear that shortcuts have been taken and the standards of great brewing have been sacrificed. However, I am going to rate this beer purely on my experience and not the name on the front of the bottle. This APA pours a dark brass colored gold with a bright, white, highly carbonated head. The smell was slightly herbal, but with the sweet malts you expect from APAs. The taste is clearly crisp and refreshing, but not complex or anything I want to over indulge in. There are bits and pieces of citrus, biscuity malts and dryness involved in the taste. This use to be one of the best Pale Ales you could get. Even though this one was not very fresh they are still good when they are. So, what I am saying is that you can still make good beer and be a big brewer but if you want to be great keep it craft. 

Rating: 78/100

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