Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 145: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Name: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Brewer: Sierra Nevada Brewing (Chico, CA)
Classification: American Pale Ale
Alcohol: 5.6%

Thoughts: Sierra Nevada is one of the most well respected breweries in the US. They brews tons of different types of beer and many are award winning. I have always been a fan, but I wanted to give myself a few months of not having a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale before I had it on the blog. This is so I could judge it solely on this experience because I honestly do not remember the last experience I had with this brew. As you can see in the picture I got a big ol' mug of this Pale Ale, which poured a rich gold with orange tint and a white, lacy head. The aroma that you get from this beer is slightly grainy with wonderful hints of floral, citrus hops and earthy malts. This is a smell I would love to experience again. When tasting this beer pale malts and bitter hops immediately wash over your tongue. It is sharp, crisp and has a fruity,alcoholic aftertaste. This is a very pungent flavor that gets better as the drink goes down. The mouthfeel of this APA is creamy and heady. Sierra Nevada is truly an American Classic when it comes to beer. It is a must try if you have not had it yet. 

Rating: 86/100

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