Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 179: 10° Below

Name: 10° Below
Brewer: Scuttlebutt Brewing (Everett, WA)
Classification: Weizenbock
Alcohol: 7.4%

Thoughts: What the hell is a Scuttlebutt? Better question. What the hell is a Weizenbock? I have never had one of these and it may be a while before I have one of these again. Usually when I see sediment in a brew it is miniscule and very difficult to see. However, the sediment is big and it made this beer rather unappealing for me. It poured a dark brown like a cola with very little head. The smell was oddly sweet with some rye and grain in the smell. It tasted like burnt chocolate with sugary sweetness and again grain. This beer was way to carbonated, which references the soda again. I am doing this blog to learn about beer as much as I can in a year and the goal is try as many types of beer as I can. However, I knew I would run into a couple of beers that wouldn't work for me. This Weizenbock is definitely one of them. 

Rating: 68/100

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