Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 205: Sprecher Abbey Tripel

Name: Sprecher Abbey Tripel
Brewer: Sprecher Brewing Co. (Glendale, WI)
Classification: Tripel
Alcohol: 8.41%

Thoughts: Even though Wisconsin has some infamous big name beers like Pabst Blue Ribbon, I am unsure of home big they are on craft brews. I believe this is the first beer I have had on The Beer Year from Wisconsin. Sprecher's Abbey Tripel pours a deep, dark orange with a paper-thin white head. The smell really takes akin to other Tripels I have had with banana esters, Belgian yeast and a dash of spice. After a few sips of this I really noticed the sweetness and it sort of turned me off of it, but as it warmed the sweetness either faded or the other flavors came to life and I really enjoyed this beer. There was a good helping of alcohol with some additions of bready yeast, sweet malts and a pinch of peppery spice.  This beer was pretty good, but it never really reached a level of excellence that I thought it might. Maybe that is my fault for having high expectations or maybe this beer promotes itself to be better than it is. Either way this beer is mediocre at best. 

Rating: 80/100

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I've got a Triple fermenting now. I've never made one, never even had one, but I like most anything, so we'll see. I will be looking for a triple to have before mymown is ready. I'll be on the lookout for this one and others (probably others, based on this review).
