Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 278: Allagash Dubbel

Name: Dubbel
Brewer: Allagash Brewing Co. (Portland, ME)
Classification: Dubbel
Alcohol: 7%

Thoughts: I got to work at 6:30 this morning! 6:30! I had to get some extra stuff done before the usual 8:00. However, this meant that I got off of work at 2:30! Yeah, 2:30! I took full advantage of it by doing a little day drinking. My options were limited because I need to go to the store, but I did have Allagash Brewing's Dubbel sitting in the fridge. Plus it was a cool day in the 60s so a Dubbel suited the palate just right. The picture actually does not due this beer justice. It is a lighter reddish-brown and has a burst of yellowish-orange at the bottom of the glass. The head is an eggshell white that creates a thin film-like layer that sits on the beer the whole way down. The smell radiated from the glass as notes of toasted malts, raw sugar, belgian yeast and roasted nuts spread out around the room. To me the smell indicated that the taste was going to be big. It wasn't quite as big as I thought, but it packed a punch. There is nothing really new from the aroma, but I can repost that the nutty, sweet, malty flavors were surprisingly crisp and light. This contradicts some of the previous Dubbels that I have had. I'm not going to complain about it though, because this is the most drinkable Dubbel I have had. Allagash is one of maybe 3 or 4 breweries that does no wrong in my eyes.

Rating: 86/100

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