Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 282: Legend Pale Ale

Name: Legend Pale Ale
Brewer: Legend Brewing Co. (Richmond, VA)
Classification: American Pale Ale
Alcohol: 6.4%

Thoughts: This is a brewery I was introduced to at the Beer Festival on Saturday. I didn't get to try any of their beer because I was pretty drunk and honestly didn't any more beer by the time I got to their table. I just happen to find a couple styles of their beer at the store. So if I like it I may have more of it later. This beer pours a clear, light orange color with a decent head of white foam on the surface. The aromatics are full of citrus notes. There is a bit of orange and lemon zests as well and a touch of grapefruit in there. So, lots of fruit! Great hop additions in the aroma too. There's really nothing to say as far as how the beer is flavor-wise. There is the obvious light, bitter hops and sweet malts. This beer is light crisp and refreshing. This beer is unassuming, it's not gonna win any awards, but it's a pretty good beer overall. It's hard to define why it's quality, but I can assure you that this beer is not a bad choice.

Rating: 82/100

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