Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 270: ACME California Pale Ale

Name: ACME California Pale Ale
Brewer: North Coast Brewing Co. (Fort Bragg, CA)
Classification: American Pale Ale
Alcohol: 5%

Thoughts: Holy Guacamole! I am 9 months and 3/4 of the way through this Beer Year! I cannot believe how fast it is going. I feel as if this has become so much a part of my life that I will have to readjust to not having to drink and review a beer everyday. Today I have selected North Coast's ACME Pale Ale. It was one I had put off trying for a number of reasons, but today it has been selected. It pours a crystalized copper-gold color with a pretty solid, white head that sort of floats above the beer. Right off the bat you can tell this beer is trying to separate itself from other APAs. The smell is a bit musty with yeast and wet grains. There is also an outdoors like smell, like fresh flowers and fruit still on the tree. The taste was a definitely different from the norm as it had a sharp carbonated stab to the tongue which was then overcome with grainy suds, mild hops and and what seemed like a peppery Belgian yeast. The type of yeast you see in Saisons and Belgian style beers. Maybe this is what was throwing me off. The flavoring is one of a kind and I could see people on both ends of the spectrum having their own opinions about it. It could be great, it could be mediocre. I am somewhere in the middle of that.  

Rating: 81/100

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