Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 275: Atwater Maibock

Name: Maibock
Brewer: Atwater Brewery (Detroit, MI)
Classification: Maibock
Alcohol: 7.5%

Thoughts: Having a craft brewery in Detroit is like having an IKEA in Dothan, Alabama. The culture is just not there for the most part for something like this to survive. However, when you take a hard working, blue-collar attitude and mix it with a craft brewery you may have some success. Atwater seems to be that perfect mix. Their maibock pours a hazy brown and copper color with a highly carbonated head. The aroma is very bready and grainy. The malts really take command of the nose of this beer and not much can get through. The taste is also incredibly malty. I dare call it the Malt-ic Sea! Oh Yeah! I went there. There is some butterscotch flavoring and pinch grassy, herbal hops. The bops and butterscotch don't offer up much of a break from the malts though. If you like malts this is an epic drink, but if not I'd give it a try, but not much more than that. 

Rating: 79/100 

1 comment:

  1. I am having one of these now, having picked up a single one at the package store. I don't remeber ever having a maibock but I love trying new beers. I look forward to reading your entries!
