Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 277: Carlsberg

Name: Carlsberg
Brewer: Carlsberg Danmark (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Classification: German Pilsner
Alcohol: 5%

Thoughts: There is a little European Deli about a mile from my house and I have not been in it despite living within walking distance from it for 2 years. Well today I decided to go and just see what was in there, and to my surprise the served beer on draft in half-liters and liters! That is how beer should be served in my mind. In a big size and an even bigger size! And it was the same price as American pints! I freaked out a little and despite be the only person in the grocery I asked for a half-liter of Denmark's Finest! Carlsberg pours a strong gold color with a paper-thin head that is nearly invisible. The smell and aroma is a pretty easy catch as it is the same smell you get from most European beers. It is very bready and grainy with a hint of hops, but mostly malts. You really have to break away from the mainstream beer in Europe, as you do in America to find the truly good stuff. However, the taste of Carlsberg has always pleased me. It is such a simple beer, that offers up refreshment and enjoyment quite easily. There is a small pocket of flavor including grassy notes, more bready malts and the faintest tone of citrus. It supplies just enough sweetness to make you want a second, and a third, and maybe even a fourth. The rating on the beer maybe be low, but my respect for Carlsberg is high. I do enjoy this beer, despite its old-world flavors and simplicity. 

Rating: 74/100

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