Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 284: Bell's Oberon Ale

Name: Oberon Ale
Brewer: Bell's Brewery (Kalamazoo, MI)
Classification: American Wheat Pale Ale
Alcohol: 5.8%

Thoughts: Bell's is back with another one of their highly popular brews. Oberon Ale is a Wheat Ale that I feel like I a lot of people really like. I mean when they hear "Oberon Ale" they nearly crap their pans with excitement. However, I just don't get it and I definitely don't feel the same way. It pours a radiant orange color with a big, creamy head. If you look in the picture you can see that the head was already lacing on the glass. The smells are strictly wheat. I expected more citrus or at least some sort of sweetness, but it was nowhere to be found. The taste and flavor of Oberon Ale is pretty good. The wheat and yeast is soft. There is some good fruitiness and a wee bit of hops. The aftertaste lingers a lot and has a good bitterness to it. I think this beer is worthy of being drunk in a number of ways. I just don't think it is this super amazing beer that deserves to be praised like I have seen it. And maybe that is just me. Maybe I'm the only person who has seen people freak out over this beer. Either way, this beer is just good.

Rating: 84/100

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