Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 41: 5 A.M. Saint

Name: 5 A.M. Saint
Brewer: BrewDog (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Classification: Amber Ale
Alcohol: 5%

Thoughts: So, BrewDog is quite possibly the best Craft Brewery in the world in my opinion. In actual fact, more like Top 5. Their style of brewing reminds me of my favorite band, The Pixies. Why? Well, they make the product they want, how they want and with no regards for other people's opinion. These young Scottish brewers just want to brew beer and then drink it. I realize that sounds simple, but it is not always that way. It allows for the creative process to be as genuine and free as possible. And it has led them to world-wide infamy and acclaim. Let's just hope their lead singer (or brewer in this case) doesn't quit for no reason! This is a brewery that will frequent this blog, but I will start with their Amber Ale, 5 A.M. Saint. This pours a foggy dark cherry color with a slightly tan head. The foam looks like lingerie because of the amount of lace it leaves on the glass. The grapefruit and molasses in the aroma is fervent and consumes the nostrils. Tasting this beer I expected it to be dynamic, but even my preconceived notions did not ready me for the apricot, caramel, grapefruit, and sugary avalanche that was about to enter my mouth. Epic, I know ... I wrote it! One of the blogs that convinced me that I could do this Beer Year has this brew in its top 5 (at least it was last time I checked). This is really what beer drinking is about. A truly hearty, spirited craft brew that entertains all senses with ease. I was completely naked-tired tonight after working a 14-hour day in the sun, which is not my normal 8-hour day in air-conditioning. However, this beer energized me and kept my passion for beer ripe. Drink this beer now and drink this beer often!

Rating: 91/100

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