Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 52: Sawtooth Ale

Name: Sawtooth Ale
Brewer: Left Hand Brewing (Longmont, CO)
Classification: Extra Special Bitter
Alcohol: 5.3%

Thoughts: I hope you enjoyed the guest post yesterday. Greg is a more talented writer than I, and I certainly had a good laugh at his thoughts on Lapin Kulta. Today, I have a new brewery that I think highly of. Not only do they make innovative, fantastic beers, but they have amazing artwork on all their labels. Tonight I am trying their ESB, Sawtooth Ale. It pours dark tan/little brown color with a very thing head. The aroma is full of caramel, sweet malts and some vanilla. The taste has a great balance of bitterness and sweetness. There is a little bit of honey and biscuit as well. This sounds a little nuts, but this would go great with breakfast. What? Yeah, breakfast Mother Flippers! I had that feeling of "I wanna do shit" that would be great to start off the day. It is a solidly brewed beer with an appropriate taste that is confined to the boundaries of its classification, yet interesting. 

Rating: 82/100

1 comment:

  1. I think our only difference in writing is that I'm not churning out one of these a day!
