Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 124: Mama's Little Yella Pils

Name: Mama's Little Yella Pils
Brewer: Oskar Blues Brewery (Lyons, Colorado)
Classification: Czech Pilsner
Alcohol: 5.3%

Thoughts: As you can see in the picture this beer is in a can. Weird, I know! Oskar Blues Brewery is known for canning their beers and I am not even sure if they sell beer in bottled form. I am used to having beer in a can if it is shitty beer being drunk at a party or tailgate, but not a craft beer. This is a new experience to me. Let's see if it CAN measure up.  I also decided to not pour this beer into a glass and instead just drink it out of the can. So I have no clue what it looks like, but being a pilsner I can assume is was probably a clear golden color. The aroma of this brew was very earthy with hints of grass and what I would say was a flowery perfume. The taste of this beer was a bit metallic at first, probably from the can but more importantly it had a good malty character. In addition I was able to get a hoppy bite, some sweetness and an enjoyable finish. It's a pretty basic pilsner, but far and away the best beer I have had from a can. I will be having more of Oskar Blue's offerings in the future based on this tasting. 

Rating: 81/100

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