Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 128: Triangle Belgian Golden Ale

Name: Triangle Belgian Golden Ale
Brewer: Triangle Brewing Company (Durham, NC)
Classification: Belgian Strong Pale Ale
Alcohol: 8%

Thoughts: Went out for a nice Sunday lunch in downtown Durham and I was in the mood for something local. I chose Triangle Brewery's Golden Ale. It pours a slightly hazy golden orange color. And by slightly hazy I mean just enough to note, the beer is almost a clear orange. The head starts as 2 and half finger, fluffy, off white foamy cap and quickly settles to a half finger cap. It eventually ends up as a thin white ring around the glass. The nose is decent. There is a ton of Belgian yeast character and a good dose of spice and pepper. There is also a fruity aroma picked up along with some sweetness but neither stands out as anything spectacular. The taste is surprisingly sweet when compared to the nose. The yeast and fruity characters are present again but they aren't as strong as in the nose. There is a sugary aspect to the taste as well. A slight tangy note is picked up towards the end before a dry finish. This is a sophisticated beer, but may have a little too much going on in the taste. Nothing is able to stand above anything else and say "This is my beer, so back off and enjoy the show!" It is that close to being a great beer.

Rating: 85/100

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