Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 127: Claymore Scotch Ale

Name: Claymore Scotch Ale
Brewer: Great Divide Brewing (Denver, CO)
Classification: Scotch Ale
Alcohol: 7.7%

Thoughts: I read a lot about what beers are good, which ones I should try and which ones I should avoid. Great Divide seems to have a lot of popular beers in the craft brew world. One of these is Claymore Scotch Ale. It pours a dark brown hue with a 2-finger tan head that quickly dissipates leaving a small wispy lace. The porter like aroma is chalk full of toasted malts, barley and chocolaty notes. The taste is a new one to me. It hits you over the head with all the malt you could ever want. There are some decent dark fruit flavors and a dark cherry overtone, and a fantastic sweet, alcoholic chocolate finish. This is the first full bodied ale I have had in a while, and luckily I had it on a nice cold evening cause it really warms the body. I feel like a true Scotsman would drink whiskey, but if he liked beer he would be proud to drink this one.  

Rating: 87/100

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