Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 123: Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen

Name: Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen
Brewer: Brauerei Schlenkerla (Bamburg, Germany)
Classification: Rauchbier 
Alcohol: 5.4%

Thoughts: I felt like I had really been getting repetitive with some of the styles of beer I was choosing. So when I was choosing the beer for today I chose something so random and crazy I didn't understand what I was getting in to. What I picked out was this Rauchbier and I had no clue what Rauchbier was. It pours a dark molasses brown with a great big tan head that preserves itself throughout the drinking experience. The most obvious smell was smoke, a jerk-like smoke. Yes, smoke! It's honestly the only smell I could get. It so happens that a Rauchbier is a beer that has been smoked. It's all starting to make sense. The taste is dominated again by the smoke, but there is little to no alcoholic flavor. It is slightly bitter and just a bit sweet. This beer is a tough one to drink and you need to have a real sense of adventure to try it. It is unusual and not enjoyable to me. But if it is your thing to drink a smoke flavored beer, be my guest.

Rating: 70/100


  1. We had this at one beer tasting thing at Hamptons forever ago. Hampton hated it. He called it meat beer.

  2. I love any rauchbiers I have tried. Guess I'm an anomoly. But I will look for this one!
