Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 136: Erdinger Weissbier

Name: Erdinger Weissbier 
Brewer: Erdinger Weissbrau (Erding, Germany)
Classification: Hefeweizen
Alcohol: 5.6%

Thoughts: I had my first beer when I was 18, but I was in Ireland so I was of legal drinking age. I really had no clue what to order at the pub, but what I did order was a beer called Erdinger. This is that same beer. It has been my favorite beer ever since that night in Ireland and I every time I have had it since. This hefeweizen pours a radiant golden wheat color, full of sediment and with a big, soft white head. The smell is a perfect amount of sweetness with undertones of banana and clove with fresh yeast notes. The aroma is a bit musty, but in a way that is intriguing rather than off-putting. On first taste there is an initial burst of sweet malts and spicy yeast. The follow up of fruitiness and bitterness creates a sense of excitement on the palate. There is a lot of stuff happening in this beer, especially for a hefeweizen. I was able to drink this beer in a German restaurant surrounded by my family while visiting in New York. Honestly, I couldn't have picked out a better beer for the moment myself. 

Rating: 88/100

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