Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 324: Homemade Hefe (Homebrew)

Name: Homebrew Hefe
Brewer: Some Guy Named John
Classification: Hefeweizen
Alcohol: ?

Thoughts: I work near the State Farmer's Market in Raleigh and I stopped by today for some work stuff. Well there was this guy giving away his homebrew for a penny! Why, because he has to beat two separate NC laws. 1. You cannot make a profit on your homebrew without have a license and a bunch of other permits. 2. You cannot give away beer for free, or at least get caught giving it away for free. So, selling it for a penny beat both of these laws. His name was John and he he just called his beers Homemade this and Homemade that. It poured a lovely orange-copper color with a thin, bubbly head. The smell was downright good! Lots of citrus, lots of wheat and a zesty punch from the fruit. The taste was again pretty solid, but it was a bit overly sweet. The feel is creamy and smooth, like a juice. It was just odd because this beer came out of nowhere and it was a great surprise. Everything seemed to be in the right place and I really hope he is there tomorrow because I might try his IPA or his Stout (the other two styles he had). 

Rating: 85/100

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